Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Commuter's Wallet

My son and his family are in town this week.  They recently moved from Brooklyn to Maplewood, New Jersey; so my son has now become a person who needs to flash various passes as he drives through checkpoints on the freeway.  He showed me his pathetic wallet (dull brown leather, falling apart, ripped seams, but still featuring the scuffed- but- clear plastic window compartment for his pass-- the reason he has not traded in his wallet).  He asked me if we could design a wallet for him to replace his old faithful wallet.

I based the design on our current slimmed-down standard-- no flap, no button, one credit card case;  and I added the clear plastic window for the pass.  He also wanted to be able to access his bills from the TOP of the wallet instead of the bottom;  but he was doubtful that his extra credit cards would stay in the bottom compartments.  I therefore reversed the placement of the billfold, putting it so that it opens from the top, and I put velcro closings on both bottom-opening compartments for extra security.

Here it is from the inside:

Very handy, very sleek (more rectangular than square), and it can be yours for the same price as a standard wallet.  Under special instructions, simply ask for a commuter's wallet.

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